Bursa İmplant Diş


All-On-Four Implant

Bursa implant diş

The all-on-four implant technique

What is the all-on-four implant technique?

The all-on-four implant technique is a technique in which implants and teeth are fixed within a day according to the bone structure in patients who have completely lost or are about to lose their teeth. This technique allows implants to be placed without the need for bone grafting, especially in patients with bone deficiency in the posterior regions. After detailed X-ray tomography and measurements, the implants and temporary teeth to be fixed immediately after the operation are scheduled. One of the biggest advantages is that during the 3-month waiting period after the operation, the implants are fused and the waiting period can be completed with fixed screw temporary teeth that do not require denture put/removal or do not put pressure on the palate while waiting for the construction of fixed teeth. 

This technique can be applied to the upper or lower jaw with 4, 5, or 6 implant teeth according to the bone structure.

Where is the Bursa Implant Center Located?

Bursa Private Hira Dental polyclinic offers you a more comfortable implant dental construction process using the all-on-four implant technique.

Which Clinics Use the All On Four Implant Technique in Bursa?

In Bursa, the all-on-four implant technique is applied in the Private Hira Dental Mesken and Esentepe Branches.